The olive groves are in part of ancient origin with very large planting distance, some plants have reached 800/900 years of age, while others have been planted more recently and have modern spacing plantation layout.
The main olive tree cultivar is the legendary “Tonda Iblea”, an olive variety native of south east Sicily. The first part of the name (“Tonda”) refers to the beautifully round shape of the fruits, while the second part (“Iblea”) comes from its location of origin the “Monti Iblei” (Hyblean Mountains), where this olive is thought to have originated.
Other cultivars are “Moresca”, “Nocellara Messinese” (known also as “Verdese”) and a newly planted grove of Carolea; these varieties serve mainly as pollinators.
We have been farming organically for almost twenty years and therefore on our estate pesticides are banned as well as chemical fertilizers and anything else that is potentially harmful to nature and to the wellbeing of humans.
Average elevation (height above sea level) of the olive groves: 350m. Total area: 50 hectares.
Organic agriculture